Carer Passport
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (RCHT) and the Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CFT) recognise the vital support that carers provide and outline in this passport what is available to carers attending one of our hospitals.
What is a Carer Passport?
The Carer Passport is given to identified carers of inpatients of Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (RCHT) and Cornwall Foundation Trust (CFT) for use during their cared for person’s time as an inpatient.

When the person you care for is in hospital
We recognise the impact that caring responsibilities have on carers and that there is a need to support and help people in their caring role. Periods of inpatient care can be an additional burden for carers. The uncertain situation may increase anxiety and stress levels whilst the emotional and physical strain of hospital visits may lead to greater exhaustion. Having access to information about diagnosis and treatment can help to alleviate concerns as a carer. Please ask staff on the ward for help and access to the healthcare professionals who are caring for the person you care for.
Our Carers Policy is in place to support you – we encourage you to speak to the ward staff about how we can work in partnership to ensure the person you care for receives the best treatment whilst an inpatient with us.
The Carer Passport is given to identified carers of inpatients of Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (RCHT) and the Cornwall Foundation Trust (CFT) for use during their cared for person’s time as an inpatient. The Carer Passport shows what support the carer is able or willing to give the cared for person during their hospital admission.
RCHT and CFT recognise the vital support that carers provide and holders of a Carer Passport will be entitled to regular liquid refreshment, flexible visiting hours, and where applicable, free car parking and a meal / drink voucher to be used in the main hospital restaurant or pod may be provided.
The Carer Passport is given to carers who are contributing to the care of their cared for person on the ward, at the discretion of the ward and is valid for the current episode of inpatient care. The Carer Passport is intended to be used in conjunction with the peninsular recognised Carers Emergency Card to access carer support such as meal vouchers and free parking. Please see page 9 for more information about the Carers Emergency Card. Newly identified carers will be issued with a Temporary Carer Card.